Recent advances in constraints
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InhaltsverzeichnisGlobal Constraints.The All Different and Global Cardinality Constraints on Set, Multiset and Tuple Variables.Complete Propagation Rules for Lexicographic Order Constraints over Arbitrary Domains.Among, Common and Disjoint Constraints.Search and Heuristics.Partitioning Based Algorithms for Some Colouring Problems.A CSP Search Algorithm with Reduced Branching Factor.Analysis of Heuristic Synergies.Complexity Analysis of Heuristic CSP Search Algorithms.Language and Implementation Issues.A Type System for CHR.Views and Iterators for Generic Constraint Implementations.Modeling.A Hybrid Benders’ Decomposition Method for Solving Stochastic Constraint Programs with Linear Recourse.The Challenge of Exploiting Weak Symmetries.On Generators of Random Quasigroup Problems.