Advancing the technology of bileaflet mechanical heart valves
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InhaltsverzeichnisAnticoagulation problems.Optimization of oral anticoagulation: solved and unsolved problems with mechanical heart valve prostheses.ESCAT- Early self-controlled anticoagulation trial.Anticoagulation revised for mechanical ATS heart valve implants.Clinical results and surgical techniques.Ministry of health and welfare study for the ATS medical bileaflet valve in Japan.Clinical evaluation of the ATS Medical valve.Clinical results of a large series of ATS valve implants.The Oxford experience with the ATS valve.Queensland/Australian experience with the ATS mechanical valve November 1996.Our experience with the ATS Medical mechanical valve prosthesis in the tricuspid position.The ATS valve in children.ATS Medical mechanical valve prosthesis in reoperations.Echocardiographic evaluations.ATS prosthetic valves AP series: echocardiographic evaluation.Echo and doppler controlled behavior of aortic ATS valve comparison with the aortic SJM.ATS valve: Early experience and comments on the significance of “HITS” in patients with prosthetic heart valves.Special techniques.Minimally invasive direct coronary artery grafting (MIDCAB).