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Typology of verbal categories

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InhaltsverzeichnisContents: Leonid Kulikov/Heinz Vater, Introduction. - I. Ergativity and Transitivity: Jean-Pierre Desclés/Zlatka Guentchéva, Causalité, Causativité, Transitivité. - Yakov G. Testelec, On Two Parameters of Transitivity. - Alexandra Y. Aikhenvald, Transitivity Increasing Operations in Tariana. - Casper de Groot, How to Butter a Sandwich. On spread in Dutch and Hungarian from a Typological Perspective. - Werner Drossard, Labile Verben in akkusativischen und ergativischen Sprachen. - Theodora Bynon, Inverse Direction and Second Person in Dumi. - Konstantin Kazenin, On Patient Demotion in Lak. - II. Voice, Causative and Valency: Masayoshi Shibatani, Voice Parameters. - Leonid I. Kulikov, Passive, Anticausative and Classification of Verbs: the Case of Vedic. - Heinrich Werner, Zur Typologie der Passivkonstruktionen in den Jenissej-Sprachen. - Juan Carlos Moreno Cabrera, Allocutivity and Voice in the Basque Verb. - Alexander K. Ogloblin, From Inert to Actional Causative. - Jurij P. Knjazev, Towards a Typology of Grammatical Polysemy: Refelxive Markers as Markers of Reciprocity. - Simon van de Kerke, Verb Formation in Leko: Causatives, Reflexives and Reciprocals. - III. Tense and Mood: Jarmila Panevová/Petr Sgall, Verbal Categories, Meaning and Typology. - Wolfgang Klein/Heinz Vater, The Perfect in English and German. - Gilbert Lazard, L'expression de l'irréel: essai de typologie. - Elena Kordi, Sur le paradigme complet de l'impératif français. - IV. Verbal Categories and Language Universals: Walter Bisang, Verb Serialization and Attractor Positions: Constructions and Their Potential Impact on Language Change and Language Contact. - Johan van der Auwera, Defining Converbs. - Bernard Comrie, Translatability and Universals Revisited. - Ronald Lötzsch, Die Verneinung als funktional-semantische Kategorie (unter besonderer Berücksichtigung von Streckformen des Deutschen und Russischen).


Typology of verbal categories, Leonid I. Kulikov

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