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Information security and cryptology


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InhaltsverzeichnisInvited Talks.National Security, Forensics and Mobile Communications.Information Security as Interdisciplinary Science Based on Ethics.Key Management and Distributed Cryptography.A Timed-Release Key Management Scheme for Backward Recovery.Property-Based Broadcast Encryption for Multi-level Security Policies.Efficient Cryptographic Protocol Design Based on Distributed El Gamal Encryption.Authentication and Biometrics.An Enhanced Estimation Algorithm for Reconstructing Fingerprint Strip Image.Trust Management for Resilient Wireless Sensor Networks.Improvements to Mitchell’s Remote User Authentication Protocol.Efficient Authenticators with Application to Key Exchange.Provable Security and Primitives.Benes and Butterfly Schemes Revisited.Relative Doubling Attack Against Montgomery Ladder.Improved Collision Attack on MD4 with Probability Almost 1.Finding Collision on 45-Step HAS-160.System/Network Security.The Program Counter Security Model: Automatic Detection and Removal of Control-Flow Side Channel Attacks.The Dilemma of Covert Channels Searching.A Probabilistic Approach to Estimate the Damage Propagation of Cyber Attacks.Foundations of Attack Trees.Block/Stream Ciphers (I).An Algebraic Masking Method to Protect AES Against Power Attacks.Characterisations of Extended Resiliency and Extended Immunity of S-Boxes.Integral Cryptanalysis of Reduced FOX Block Cipher.Hybrid Symmetric Encryption Using Known-Plaintext Attack-Secure Components.Block/Stream Ciphers (II).Cryptanalysis of Sfinks.Weaknesses of COSvd (2,128) Stream Cipher.Expanding Weak PRF with Small Key Size.On Linear Systems of Equations with Distinct Variables and Small Block Size.Efficient Implementations.An FPGA Implementation of CCM Mode UsingAES.New Architecture for Multiplication in GF(2 m ) and Comparisons with Normal and Polynomial Basis Multipliers for Elliptic Curve Cryptography.An Efficient Design of CCMP for Robust Security Network.Digital Rights Management.Software-Based Copy Protection for Temporal Media During Dissemination and Playback.Ambiguity Attacks on the Ganic-Eskicioglu Robust DWT-SVD Image Watermarking Scheme.Public Key Cryptography.Universal Custodian-Hiding Verifiable Encryption for Discrete Logarithms.An Efficient Static Blind Ring Signature Scheme.Trading Time for Space: Towards an Efficient IBE Scheme with Short(er) Public Parameters in the Standard Model.Yet Another Forward Secure Signature from Bilinear Pairings.



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