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Traditional music and composition


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Articles + Christian Utz: Listening Attentively to Cultural Fragmentation: Tradition and Composition in Works by East Asian Composers + Franki S. Notosudirdjo: Kyai Kanjeng: Islam and the Search for National Music in Indonesia + Barbara Mittler: Cultural Revolution Model Works and the Politics of Modernization in China: An Analysis of Taking Tiger Mountain by Strategy + Stephen Andrew Taylor: Ligeti, Africa and Polyrhythm + Ashok D. Ranade: Traditional Musics and Composition in the Indian Context + Sandeep Bhagwati: Stepping on the Cracks, Or, How I Compose with Indian Music in Mind + Guo Wenjing: Traditional Music as Material + Kim Jin-Hi: Living Tones: On My Cross-cultural Dance-music Drama Dragon Bond Rite + Koo Bonu: Beyond „Cheap Imitations“ + Lukas Ligeti: On My Collaborations with Non-Western Musicians and the Influence of Technology in These Exchanges + Qin Wenchen: On Diversity + Takahashi Yuji: Two Statements on Music Book Reviews (Tina K. Ramnarine, ed.) + From the Book Reviews Editor + Nicholas Cook: Reviews-Essay: Improvisation. Bruno Nettl with Melinda Russel (eds.), In the Course of Performance: Studies in the World of Musical Improvisation + Sabina B. Pauta: Marin Marian Balasa. Colinda - Epifanie si Sacrament (Colinda - Epiphany and Sacrament) + Lindsay Aitkenhead: Slobin, Mark, ed. American Klezmer: Its Roots and Offshoots + Abigail Wood: Braun, Joachim; trans. Stott, Douglas W. Music in Ancient Israel/Palestine: Archaeological, Written and Comparative Sources + Dieter Christensen: Czekanowska, Anna. Pathways of Ethnomusicology. Selected Essays. Edited by Piotr Dahlig + Gordon Thompson: Ian Woodfield. Music of the Raj: A Social and Economic History of Music in Late Eighteenth-Century Anglo-Indian Society + Marin Marian Balasa: Svanibor Pettan, Adelaida Reyes, Masa Komavec, eds. Glasba in Manjnine. Zbornic referatov 1. mednarodnega posvetovanja studijske skupine Mednarodnega Sveta za Tradicijko Glasbo (ICTM) Glasba in Manjsine, Ljubljana, Slovenija, 25.-30. junij 2000 (Music and Minorities: Proceedings of the 1st International Meeting of the International Council for Traditional Music (ICTM) Study Group Music and Minorities, Ljubljana, Slovenia, June 25-30, 2000). + Suzel Ana Reily: Ralls-MacLeod, Karen and Graham Harvey, eds. Indigenous Religious Music CD Reviews (Gregory F. Barz, ed.) + Katherine Johanna Hagedorn: The Rough Guide to the Cuban Music Story: Dance Crazes from the Cuban Dynasty. World Music Network. Compiled by David Flower, and The Rough Guide to Cuban Music: The History, the Artists, the Best. Rough Guides Limited + James R. Newell: World Library of Folk and Primitive Music: Volume 1, England; Volume 2, Ireland; Volume 3, Scotland. Rounder Records. Compiled and edited by Alan Lomax + Gregory F. Barz Masters of the Balafon: Funeral Festivities. Paris: Selenium Films. Ethnomusicology Laboratory (National Center for Scientific Research), Musee de l'Homme. Produced by Hugo Zemp About the Contributors


Traditional music and composition, Max Peter Baumann

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