Feynman integral calculus
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This is a textbook version of my previous book [190]. Problems and solutions have been included, Appendix G has been added, more details have been presented, recent publications on evaluating Feynman integrals have been taken into account and the bibliography has been updated. 1 ThegoalofthebookistodescribeindetailhowFeynmanintegrals canbe evaluatedanalytically. TheproblemofevaluatingLorentz-covariantFeynman integrals over loop momenta originated in the early days of perturbative quantum ? eld theory. Over a span of more than ? fty years, a great variety of methodsforevaluatingFeynmanintegralshasbeendeveloped. Mostpowerful modern methods are described in this book. Iunderstandthatifanotherperson–inparticularoneactivelyinvolvedin developing methods for Feynman integral evaluation – wrote a book on this subject, he or she would probably concentrate on some other methods and would rank the methods as most important and less important in a di? erent order. I believe, however, that my choice is reasonable. At least I have tried to concentrate on the methods that have been used recently in the most sophisticated calculations, in which world records in the Feynman integral ‘sport’ were achieved.