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Testing of communicating systems

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InhaltsverzeichnisSession I: Testing Theory and Foundations.Symbolic Execution Techniques for Test Purpose Definition.Controllable Combinatorial Coverage in Grammar-Based Testing.A Logic for Assessing Sets of Heterogeneous Testing Hypotheses.Session II: Testing Non-deterministic and Probabilistic Systems.Bounded Sequence Testing from Non-deterministic Finite State Machines.LaTe, a Non-fully Deterministic Testing Language.Customized Testing for Probabilistic Systems.Session III: Testing Internet and Industrial Systems.Generating Test Cases for Web Services Using Extended Finite State Machine.Towards the Testing of Composed Web Services in 3rd Generation Networks.Application of Two Test Generation Tools to an Industrial Case Study.Session IV: TTCN-3.Performance Analysis of Concurrent PCOs in TTCN-3.Use of TTCN-3 for Software Module Testing.Distributed Load Tests with TTCN-3.Session V: Compositional and Distributed Testing.Analyzing the Impact of Protocol Changes on Tests.Detecting Observability Problems in Distributed Testing.Compositional Testing of Communication Systems.Session VI: FSM-Based Testing and Diagnosis.FSM Test Translation Through Context.Using Distinguishing and UIO Sequences Together in a Checking Sequence.Reducing the Lengths of Checking Sequences by Overlapping.Session VII: Timed Systems.Test Case Minimization for Real-Time Systems Using Timed Bound Traces.Symbolic and on the Fly Testing with Real-Time Observers.Using TimedTTCN-3 in Interoperability Testing for Real-Time Communication Systems.Session VIII: Testing for Security.Test Generation for Network Security Rules.Message Confidentiality Testing of Security Protocols – Passive Monitoring and Active Checking.


Testing of communicating systems, M. Ümit Uyar

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