Structural information and communication complexity
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InhaltsverzeichnisMobile Agent Rendezvous: A Survey.Adapting to Point Contention with Long-Lived Safe Agreement.Sensor Networks: Distributed Algorithms Reloaded – or Revolutions?.Local Algorithms for Autonomous Robot Systems.How to Meet in Anonymous Network.Setting Port Numbers for Fast Graph Exploration.Distributed Chasing of Network Intruders.Election in the Qualitative World.Fast Deterministic Distributed Algorithms for Sparse Spanners.Efficient Distributed Weighted Matchings on Trees.Approximation Strategies for Routing Edge Disjoint Paths in Complete Graphs.Short Labels by Traversal and Jumping.An Optimal Rebuilding Strategy for a Decremental Tree Problem.Optimal Delay for Media-on-Demand with Pre-loading and Pre-buffering.Strongly Terminating Early-Stopping k-Set Agreement in Synchronous Systems with General Omission Failures.On Fractional Dynamic Faults with Threshold.Discovering Network Topology in the Presence of Byzantine Faults.Minimum Energy Broadcast and Disk Cover in Grid Wireless Networks.3-D Minimum Energy Broadcasting.Average-Time Complexity of Gossiping in Radio Networks.L(h,1,1)-Labeling of Outerplanar Graphs.Combinatorial Algorithms for Compressed Sensing.On the Existence of Truthful Mechanisms for the Minimum-Cost Approximate Shortest-Paths Tree Problem.Dynamic Asymmetric Communication.Approximate Top-k Queries in Sensor Networks.Self-stabilizing Space Optimal Synchronization Algorithms on Trees.Distance-k Information in Self-stabilizing Algorithms.