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A collection of manuscripts written in honour of John H. Coates on the occasion of his sixtieth birthday


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This volume is dedicated to Professor John H. Coates, an outstanding contributor to number theory, both through his pioneering and fundamental mathematical works and through the magnificent mathematical school he has established. It contains 24 articles written by 38 authors on a wide range of topics in the cutting edge of research in number theory, algebraic geometry and analysis: zeta functions and L-functions, automorphic and modularity issues, Galois representations, arithmetic of elliptic curves, Iwasawa theory, noncommutative Iwasawa theory, p-adic analysis. This volume will be of interest to researchers and students in these and neighbouring fields. K. Ardakov, K. A. Brown: Ring-Theoretic Properties of Iwasawa Algebras: A Survey G. Banaszak, W. Gajda, P. Krason: On the Image of l-Adic Galois Representations for Abelian Varieties of Type I and II S. Böcherer, A. A. Panchishkin: Admissible p-adic Measures Attached to Triple Products of Elliptic Cusp Forms David Burns, Matthias Flach: On the Equivariant Tamagawa Number Conjecture for Tate Motives, Part II. David Burns, Otmar Venjakob: On the Leading Terms of Zeta Isomorphisms and p-Adic L-functions in Non-Commutative Iwasawa Theory Kevin Buzzard, Frank Calegari: The 2-adic Eigencurve is Proper L. Clozel, E. Ullmo: Equidistribution Adélique des Tores et Équidistribution des Points CM Robert Coleman, Ken McMurdy: Fake CM and the Stable Model of X_0(Np^3) Daniel Delbourgo: Lambda-Adic Euler Characteristics of Elliptic Curves Ehud de Shalit: Coleman Integra-tion Versus Schneider Integration on Semistable Curves Ralph Greenberg: On The Structure of Certain Galois Cohomology Groups Michael Harris, Jian-Shu Li, Christopher M. Skinner: p-Adic L-Functions for Unitary Shimura Varieties I: Construction of the Eisenstein Measure Haruzo Hida: Anticyclotomic Main Conjectures Frazer Jarvis: Optimal Levels for Modular Mod 2 Representations over Totally Real Fields Kazuya Kato: Universal Norms of p-Units in Some Non-Commutative Galois Extensions Shinichi Kobayashi: An Elementary Proof of the Mazur-Tate-Teitelbaum Conjecture for Elliptic Curves Barry Mazur, William Stein, John Tate: Computation of p-Adic Heights and Log Convergence Robert Pollack, Tom Weston: Kida's Formula and Congruences P. Schneider, J. Teitelbaum: Banach-Hecke Algebras and p-Adic Galois Representations Anthony J. Scholl: Higher Fields of Norms and (phi, Gamma)-Modules Joseph H. Silverman: Divisibility Sequences and Powers of Algebraic Integers Richard Taylor: On the Mero-morphic Continuation of Degree Two L-Functions J. Tilouine: Siegel Varieties and p-Adic Siegel Modular Forms J.-P. Wintenberger: On p-Adic Geometric Representations of G_Q







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