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Algebra and coalgebra in computer science

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InhaltsverzeichnisInvited Talks.Regular and Algebraic Words and Ordinals.Logical Semantics of Types for Concurrency.Deriving Bisimulation Congruences with Borrowed Contexts.Symmetry and Concurrency.Contributed Papers.Ready to Preorder: Get Your BCCSP Axiomatization for Free!.Impossibility Results for the Equational Theory of Timed CCS.Conceptual Data Modeling with Constraints in Maude.Datatypes in Memory.Bisimilarity and Behaviour-Preserving Reconfigurations of Open Petri Nets.Free Modal Algebras: A Coalgebraic Perspective.Coalgebraic Epistemic Update Without Change of Model.The Maude Formal Tool Environment.Bifinite Chu Spaces.Structured Co-spans: An Algebra of Interaction Protocols.Graphical Encoding of a Spatial Logic for the ?-Calculus.Higher Dimensional Trees, Algebraically.A Semantic Characterization of Unbounded-Nondeterministic Abstract State Machines.Parametric (Co)Iteration vs. Primitive Direcursion.Bisimulation for Neighbourhood Structures.Algebraic Models of Simultaneous Multithreaded and Multi-core Processors.Quasitoposes, Quasiadhesive Categories and Artin Glueing.Applications of Metric Coinduction.The Goldblatt-Thomason Theorem for Coalgebras.Specification-Based Testing for CoCasl’s Modal Specifications.CIRC: A Circular Coinductive Prover.Observing Distributed Computation. A Dynamic-Epistemic Approach.Nabla Algebras and Chu Spaces.An Institutional Version of Gödel’s Completeness Theorem.Coalgebraic Foundations of Linear Systems.Bootstrapping Types and Cotypes in HasCASL.


Algebra and coalgebra in computer science, Till Mossakowski

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