Information security and cryptology
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InhaltsverzeichnisCryptanalysis – I.Cryptanalysis of a Hash Function Proposed at ICISC 2006.Cryptanalysis of Reduced Versions of the HIGHT Block Cipher from CHES 2006.A Cryptanalysis of the Double-Round Quadratic Cryptosystem.A Lightweight Privacy Preserving Authentication and Access Control Scheme for Ubiquitous Computing Environment.Establishing RBAC-Based Secure Interoperability in Decentralized Multi-domain Environments.Handling Dynamic Information Release.Cryptanalysis – II.Improving the Time Complexity of Matsui’s Linear Cryptanalysis.On Large Distributions for Linear Cryptanalysis.Passive Attacks on a Class of Authentication Protocols for RFID.Side Channel Attacks on Irregularly Decimated Generators.Asynchronous Pseudo Physical Memory Snapshot and Forensics on Paravirtualized VMM Using Split Kernel Module.Filesystem Activity Following a SSH Compromise: An Empirical Study of File Sequences.A Secure Virtual Execution Environment for Untrusted Code.Liveness Detection of Fingerprint Based on Band-Selective Fourier Spectrum.Improving Upon the TET Mode of Operation.Hash Functions – I.New Local Collisions for the SHA-2 Hash Family.Multi-collision Attack on the Compression Functions of MD4 and 3-Pass HAVAL.Differential Cryptanalysis of T-Function Based Stream Cipher TSC-4.New Results on Impossible Differential Cryptanalysis of Reduced AES.A Note About the Traceability Properties of Linear Codes.Power Analysis Attacks on MDPL and DRSL Implementations.Safe-Error Attack on SPA-FA Resistant Exponentiations Using a HW Modular Multiplier.Generalized MMM-Algorithm Secure Against SPA, DPA, and RPA.Pairing-Friendly Elliptic Curves with Small Security Loss by Cheon’s Algorithm.Hash Functions – II.Analysis of Multivariate HashFunctions.Colliding Message Pair for 53-Step HAS-160.Weaknesses in the HAS-V Compression Function.Security-Preserving Asymmetric Protocol Encapsulation.