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Interpretation processes in anxiety and depression


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Andrea Hähnel was born in 1971 in Gotha, Thuringia. She attained herMaster’s degree (Diplom) from Dresden University of Technology (TUDresden) in 1997, specializing in Clinical, Pedagogical, and GeneralPsychology. In 1997, she started her PhD work at TU Dresden, continu-ed it 1999 to 2002 at Harvard University in Cambridge, USA, and finis-hed it in 2007 at Radboud University in Nijmegen, Holland. Her twodaughters were born in 2004 and 2005. In 2006, Ms. Hähnel was licen-sed as a cognitive-behavioral psychotherapist. Since August 2007, Ms. Hähnel practices as a psychotherapist in Dresden, Germany. Andrea HähnelAccepted cognitive models of mental disorders propose that anxiousand depressed patients are characterized by a negatively skewedview of the world. They claim that ambiguous everyday situationssuch as an acquaintance who does not greet us are generally inter-preted in a threatening, egocentric manner by people who sufferfrom anxiety or depression. Healthy people, on the other hand, aremore „realistic“ and keep other, less threatening interpretations inmind as well. The influential branch of cognitive psychotherapy isbased on these ideas. Two studies, one conducted in English and one in German, investi-gated whether people currently suffering from panic disorder, socialphobia or depression show such an interpretive bias for negativemeanings, and if so, if this bias is general or limited to disorder-spe-cific concerns. Each study consisted of questionnaire and experi-mental sections where participants read ambiguous vignettes. Contrary to the predictions of cognitive models, the results indicatedthat patients suffering from anxiety and depression seem to lack theability to disregard negative interpretations of ambiguous scenariosrather than displaying a negative interpretive bias. Thus the resultssupport research on „positive illusions“: exaggerated beliefs in con-trol and mastery play a protective role for mental and physicalhealth. Cognitive models should be specified to include a) the possi-ble self-referent nature of an interpretive bias (It is not general!), andb) the absence of a protective mechanism present in healthy controlsthat disregards negative interpretations as „unlikely.“


Interpretation processes in anxiety and depression, Andrea Hähnel

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