Reliable software technologies
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InhaltsverzeichnisKeynote Talks.What to Make of Multicore Processors for Reliable Real-Time Systems?.Control Co-design: Algorithms and Their Implementation.Multicores and Ada.Dispatching Domains for Multiprocessor Platforms and Their Representation in Ada.Implementing Multicore Real-Time Scheduling Algorithms Based on Task Splitting Using Ada 2012.Preliminary Multiprocessor Support of Ada 2012 in GNU/Linux Systems.Software Dependability.Practical Limits on Software Dependability: A Case Study.Program Verification in SPARK and ACSL: A Comparative Case Study.Static Versioning of Global State for Race Condition Detection.Critical Systems.Using Hardware Support for Scheduling with Ada.Cache-Aware Development of High-Integrity Systems.Preservation of Timing Properties with the Ada Ravenscar Profile.Real-Time Systems.Towards the Definition of a Pattern Sequence for Real-Time Applications Using a Model-Driven Engineering Approach.Scheduling Configuration of Real-Time Component-Based Applications.The Evolution of Real-Time Programming Revisited: Programming the Giotto Model in Ada 2005.Language Technology.AdaStreams: A Type-Based Programming Extension for Stream-Parallelism with Ada 2005.A Comparison of Generic Template Support: Ada, C++, C#, and JavaTM.Towards Ada 2012: An Interim Report.Distribution and Persistency.Managing Transactions in Flexible Distributed Real-Time Systems.An Efficient Implementation of Persistent Objects.