Stop the Machine!, Level 2
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Ben, Rosie, and Max are at the recycling centre. Max drops his house key on a machine - oh no! Can Clunk help? What is Rosie's idea? Find out what happens.Oxford Read and Imagine graded readers are at eight levels (Starter, Beginner, and Levels 1 to 6) for students from age 4 and older. They offer great stories to read and enjoy.Activities provide Cambridge Young Learner Exams preparation.At Levels 1 to 6, every storybook reader links to an Oxford Read and Discover non-fiction reader.The first six Oxford Read and Imagine readers are publishing in January 2014, with more soon - teacher support materials and more information to follow.Audio in a choice of American and British English is available for every reader.At Levels 1 to 6, audio is available in CD packs for every reader.a href=""Free audio for Early Starter, Starter, and Beginner levels/aOnline Teacher's Handbook with a href=""Photocopiable Worksheets and Answer Keys/aFiction partnera href="/catalogue/items/global/graded_readers/oxford_read_and_discover/level_2/9780194646888": Plastics/a