
Waiting to Exhale



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In this book, a team of leading scholars in the fields of Medieval Literature and History explore the origins of European ethnic groups which subsequently developed into the nations of Modern Europe. Evidence for the existence of ethnic consciousness, which was later to form the basis of nation states, is examined for leading European peoples. The reconstruction and invention of the past by medieval writers in search of ethnic origins for their own particular political or tribal groups is also studied from a literary and historical point of view. For many historians, nationalism is seen as a nineteenth-century invention. The contributors in this book show that ethnic awareness and national identities for all the leading states of Europe have their origins firmly embedded in the medieval past. The book covers the British Isles as well as Continental Europe, for strong national divisions have survived within Britain to the present day in spite of its location for several centuries at the heart of the British Empire.


Waiting to Exhale, Terry McMillan

  • Mechanische Beschädigung
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