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Geology of the USSR 1

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Having received an offer from Gebriider Borntraeger Publishing House Berlin? Stuttgart to write a book on the geology of the USSR for the series ? Beitréige zurregionalen Geologie der Erde?, I accepted this offer willingly, being aware of the fact that there is no recent work on the geology of the Soviet Union published outside that country, and that many scientists are unable to use the extensive Soviet literature for a lack of knowledge of the Russian language. The classical work by NALIVKIN, ? Geology of the USSR?, which was first published in 1960, was the last significant review of the geology of the USSR that was translated into English. Since then, new data, which change the old concepts in many respects, were obtained for practically all regions of the Soviet Union. Another circumstance is of no less importance: the structure of the fold system regions of the Soviet Union is now viewed in the light of fundamentally new ideas of theoretical geology; the major role of overthrust nappes has been recognized; ophiolitic complexes, which are regarded as relics of the oceanic crust, have been studied in detail; paleomagnetic determi- nations furnished evidence of appreciable relative horizontal movements of ancient cratons. The author, discussing the geology of the vast territory of the USSR, places the main emphasis on its tectonic structure, paleo- tectonics, and the sequence of the main lithological formations. Stratigraphic material and, in particular, paleontological proof of the age of stratigraphic subdivision, is not given in the book, lest it would make the book unwieldy. The reader is, therefore, referred to the extensive editions of the ? Geology of the USSR? and especially ? Stratigraphy of the USSR?, where exhaustive information on this subject can be found. As for paleogeography, we advise the reader to refer to the four-volume „Atlas of Lithologic-Paleogeographic Maps of the USSR“ and to the explanatory notes for the Atlas, ? Paleogeography of the USSR?, also published in four issues. The reader will find a list of the principal general works on USSR geology, published during the last 15 to 20 years. In this description of fold systemy, situated near Soviet borders with other countries, the author found it appropriate, for the completeness of the discussion, to follow their continuations (or intermediate links) on the territories of adjacent countries. The second part of this publication will probably be published in winter 1986/87. It will primarily describe the mesozoic and Cenozoic structures. An important chapter will deal with the geosynclinal evolution of the USSR and the plate tectonics aspects, for contents of this second part see page 3 of this prospectus. Of interest to all geoscientists and geoscientific institutions, geophysicists, mineralogists, petrographers, geographers, paleontologists, mining and petroleum industry, oil and oilgas industry, scientific libraries.


Geology of the USSR 1, Victor Efimovich Khain

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