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Special theme: reproductive disruptions


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Inhalt/Contents: *** Marcia C. Inhorn: Preface ** Sylvie Schuster & Viola Hörbst: Introduction ** Pamela Feldman-Savelsberg, Flavien Ndonko & Song Yang: The Social Management of Fetal and Infant Death: Dual Disruptions to Reproductive Lives and Discourses ** Chioma Opara: The Barren Woman as an Outsider in Igbo Society of Nigeria ** Viola Hörbst: Infertility and In-vitro Fertilization in Bamako, Mali: Women's Experience, Avenues for Solution and Social Contexts Impacting on Gynaecological Consultions ** Johanne Sundby & Ulla Larsen: Health Care Services for Infertility in Sub-Saharan Africa: The Case of Moshi in Northern Tanzania ** Sylvie Schuster: Rumors on „Sterilizin“ Vaccines: Mistrust, Bioethics and Research on New Contraceptive Technologies ** Carolyn Sargent: Lamenting the „Winter“ of French Fertility: Politiv´cs, Power, and Reproduction among Malian Migrants in Paris ** Elisha Renne: Abortion as Illegal Conduct and Its Sequelae in Nigeria *** Berichte / Reprts / Buchbesprechungen / Book Reviews *** Anita Zahlteng: Building Bridges to Enhance Quality of Life. 12th Anual Conference of the International Society for Quality of Life Research (ISOQOL), San Francisco Oct. 2005 ** Katharina Kübler: Frauengesundheit weltweit: 12. FIDE-Kongress befasst sich mit Gyn/auml; kologie in Entwicklungsländern, Halle/Saale 18.-20.11.2005 * Anhang: Brucsaler Thesen der FIDE Tagung Oktober 2004 in Bruchsal ** Wolfgang Krahl: Bericht über das Symposium „Mental Health in Entwicklungsländern am 3.12.2005 in München ** Assia Maria Harwazinski: Anmerkungen zu Ousmane Sembenes neuem Film “Moolaade„ (Frankreich 2004, deutsch “Bann der Hoffnung„, 2005) ** Peter Möhring: Paul Parin zum 90sten. Rezension von Paul Parin, Fritz Morgenthaler, Goldy Parin-Matthey “F/uuml; rchte Deinen Nächsten wie Dich selbst. Psychoanalyse und Geselschaft am Modell der Agni in Westafrika". ** Buchbesprechungen/Bookreviews ** Dokumentation: Journal of AFRICAN PSYCHOLOGY (South of the Sahara, The Caribbean and Afro-Latin America), Inhalt Vol. 1, Nr. 1(1988) - Vol. 13,2(2003) ** Resumes des articles curare 29(2006)1 ** Autorinnen und Autoren des Heftes





2006, paperback


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