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The Tempest (A2)



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“Don’t worry, my child. I’ve heard your words of love and I’m happy for you both Ferdinand, I only wanted to see if your love for my beautiful, sweet daughter Miranda was true.” Prospero lives on a strange island with his daughter Miranda. One night, with his magic powers, he makes a storm to bring his brother and the King of Naples to the island. They must pay for what they did in the past. Ferdinand also arrives on the island and finds a surprise. Read the play and see how the island and Prospero’s magic change the lives of these people. „Neboj sa, dieťa moje. Počul som tvoje slová lásky a som šťastný za vás oboch, Ferdinand. Chcel som len zistiť, či je tvoja láska k mojej krásnej zlatej dcére Mirande skutočná.“ Prospero žije na podivnom ostrove s dcérou Mirandou. Jednej noci pomocou magickej sily vyvolá búrku, ktorá prinesie jeho brata a kráľa Neapola na ostrov. Musia zaplatiť za to, čo v minulosti spáchali. Na ostrov prichádza tiež Ferdinand a nájde prekvapenie. Prečítajte si hru a zistíte, ako ostrov a Prosperova magická sila zmenila život týchto ľudí.


The Tempest (A2), William Shakespeare

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